In - Line Generator - (set of rotor / stator)

Moderate shear for general purpose blending and homogenizing processes. Coarse Stator combined with pump fins pumping rotor (2P): A coarse stator is used with a specially designed rotor that provides high throughput, designated “P”. This generator will provide throughputs up to four times higher than any of the other generators. The generator produces moderate shear, and a high pumping effect. It is often used in place of a pump, or to assist a pump for improved flow. This generator is also used in multiple-stage machines to assist in the flow of high viscosity fluids.

Typical application: Miscible liquids, large agglomerates, high circulation rates, and shear sensitive process fluids

2P (axial fins pumping rotor)   Coarse stator  





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Rotor Stator Technology
Generator - Set of rotor / stator
In – Line Generators (set of rotor and stator)
Coarse rotor and stator
Medium rotor and stator
Fine rotor and stator
Batch Generators (Set of rotor and stator) Flexible rotor and stator combination